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Business Process Modeling and Analysis with Savvion BusinessManager

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Articles in Business Technology

Every business has (or should have) a set of strategic goals and objectives towards which the business (all employees and deployed systems) works. Such goals and objectives take different forms at different levels: vision, mission statement, business direction and plan, and so on. People within an organization work collaboratively subject to policies and regulations, relevant practices and standards, and established procedures to achieve these goals. The fundamental entity that brings these together is business process.

Underlying every business is a set of processes that define how that business operates, how it generates revenue, how it supports its customers, etcetera. How a business differentiates itself from its competitors is built into its unique business processes. Hence the business processes become a very strategic and critical asset and intellectual property for the company.

Savvion BusinessManager is a comprehensive BPMS. Using Savvion BusinessManager, businesses can easily and quickly transform and deploy their processes as applications that run over the web and can be accessed through portals or wireless devices. Furthermore, Savvion BusinessManager enables the proactive management of a business in the context of defined business processes and rules. Savvion BusinessManager accomplishes this by offering comprehensive functionality through well-designed, cohesive product components that are based on proven, standards-based, open technologies. Savvion offers complete end-to end process lifecycle management, from modeling and simulation to deployment to management to process change and improvement.

Savvion Making Business Improvement Real: How People Power the Process
Business improvement increasing efficiency, quality and customer satisfaction while cutting costs should be the goal of every person working.