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 Cloud Based Software: 10 Reasons It's The Best Approach

Cloud Based Software: 10 Reasons It's The Best Approach

The adoption of cloud-based business applications - tools and software delivered over the web with an on-demand, subscription-based model - has caught the attention of technology decision-makers across sectors. Many of these people want to understand the reasons for accelerating uptake in adoption of cloud services, and particularly to differentiate cloud applications from traditional on-premise/desktop software solutions. We believe that cloud computing, and particularly applications delivered via the cloud, bring unprecedented benefits to organizations and will be the dominant way of delivering software in the future. We further believe that it is important that leaders within business who are tasked with making technology buying decisions should be well informed of the benefits of cloud computing. This whitepaper will offer a list of benefits that cloud computing brings to organizations and is a useful tool when determining an organization’s technology strategy.

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