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Optimizing Data Center Efficiency: A Prescriptive Model for Reducing Energy Consumption and Improving Performance

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Articles in Business Technology

Fortunately, solutions for efficiency improvements and cost reductions can be introduced to simplify management practices, improve reliability, enable informed decision-making, minimize energy consumption, and facilitate cooperation across siloed organizations. In this EMA white paper, EMA expands its popular IT Management Maturity Model into a Prescriptive Model that provides actionable steps for optimizing Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM).

EMA Service-Centric Asset Management in the Age of Cloud Computing: Report Summary
The concept of "Service-centric Asset Management" has its own roots, but shares a largely common vision with ITIL v3's concepts of "Service Lifecycle Management" and "Asset Lifecycle Management." However, EMA has been both predicting and advocating a more service-centric model for asset optimization and planning for nearly a decade.
EMA Operationalizing Cloud: The Move Towards a Cross-Domain Service Management Strategy
Cloud computing is a complex and often confusing array of sometimes logically unrelated technologies with consistent roots in virtualization and on-demand service delivery. But perhaps what's most relevant about Cloud computing is the catalytic effect it's having on IT organizations as they seek to become more resilient and responsive in enabling new and existing services, while minimizing capex and opex costs.
EMA Network Management and the Responsible, Virtualized Cloud
One of the greatest "innovations" within the current IT climate is that of Cloud services. Cloud services can offer great advantages over traditional, siloed, infrastructure-centric approaches to IT, but we are now progressing beyond the unrealistic optimism phase and confronting the hard part of making it all work to it's potential.
EMA EMA Radar for WAN Optimization Controllers: Q1 2011 Summary
This Enterprise Management Associates Radar Report reviews thirteen providers of WAN Optimization Controller (WOC) solutions and compares their ability to deliver basic and advanced optimization benefits across a range network and application technologies.